Protocol description

HAS protocol is an open protocol for connecting applications (APP) to wallets (PKSA).

The Hive Authentication Services (HAS) rely on the WebSocket protocol to exchange data between applications (APP) and the Private Keys Storage Application (PKSA) via persistent connections. The data can be passed in both directions as “payloads”, without breaking the connection and requiring additional HTTP requests.

The APP opens a WebSocket connection to the HAS endpoint and sends authentication and transactions requests to it.

The PKSA opens a WebSocket connection to the HAS endpoint, requests an encryption key from the server, registers the account(s) for which it will process requests, and wait for incoming authentication and transactions requests.

The HAS will queue requests from the APP and forward them to any newly or already connected PKSA. it will also relay back approval or refusal of the requests.

The dialogue between the different parties is done by means of JSON structured messages, each containing a cmd field that defines the nature of the message.

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