Transaction request

When an APP sends a transaction request involving an account to the HAS, if the PKSA has registered that account with the HAS then it will receive the following message:


    cmd: "sign_req" 
    account: string
    data: string
    uuid: string
    expire: number
    token: string // DEPRECATED - protocol < 1 only
  • account: the Hive account name

  • data: the Base64 representation of an encrypted sign_req_data object

  • uuid {string} the transaction request identifier

  • expire {Number} UNIX time when the request will expire

  • token: the authentication token - DEPRECATED since protocol v1

The structure of the sign_req_data object is:


    key_type: string
    ops: Array
    broadcast: boolean
    nonce: number
  • key_type: the key type required to sign the transactions. It can be one of posting|active

  • ops: an array of operations

  • broadcast: true if the PKSA must broadcast the transaction to the blockchain. false if the PKSA must return a signed transaction but not broadcast it to the blockchain.

  • nonce: UNIX time of the request

Before sending its sign_req request, the APP has encrypted the sign_req_data using the encryption key shared with the PKSA during the authentication process.

Only a PKSA having previously authenticated an account and having access to the encryption auth_key will be able to decrypt the operations to be put in a transaction and to be signed.

As the HAS has no access to the `auth_key`, it is completely unaware of what's going on between the APP and the PKSA.

Last updated